Page 12 - The Invisible Counselors WORKBOOK
P. 12
The Invisible Counselors
On scores of occasions, when I have faced emergencies, some of them so grave that my life
was in jeopardy, I have been miraculously guided past these diffi culties through the infl uence
of my “Invisible Counselors.”
My original purpose in conducting Council meetings with imaginary beings, was solely that
of impressing my own subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion, with
certain characteristics which I desired to acquire. In more recent years, my experimentation
has taken on an entirely different trend. I now go to my imaginary counselors with every
diffi cult problem which confronts me and my clients. The results are often astonishing,
although I do not depend entirely on this form of Counsel.
You, of course, have recognized that this chapter covers a subject with which a majority of
people are not familiar. The Sixth Sense is a subject that will be of great interest and benefi t
to the person whose aim is to accumulate vast wealth, but it need not claim the attention of
those whose desires are more modest.
Henry Ford undoubtedly understands and makes practical use of the sixth sense. His vast
business and fi nancial operations make it necessary for him to understand and use this prin-
ciple. The late Thomas A. Edison understood and used the sixth sense in connection with
the development of inventions, especially those involving basic patents, in connection with
which he had no human experience and no accumulated knowledge to guide him, as was the
case while he was working on the talking machine, and the moving picture machine.
Nearly all great leaders, such as Napoleon, Bismark, Joan of Arc, Christ, Buddha, Confucius,
and Mohammed, understood, and probably made use of the sixth sense almost continuously.
The major portion of their greatness consisted of their knowledge of this principle.
The sixth sense is not something that one can take off and put on at will. Ability to use this
great power comes slowly, through application of the other principles outlined in this book.
Seldom does any individual come into workable knowledge of the sixth sense before the age
of forty. More often the knowledge is not available until one is well past fi fty, and this, for
the reason that the spiritual forces, with which the sixth sense is so closely related, do not
mature and become usable except through years of meditation, self-examination, and serious
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