Page 4 - The Invisible Counselors WORKBOOK
P. 4


                      A person you are ready to be free of

                      Where exactly in this situation do I have choices? ......................................................   46
                      What exactly are my choices? .....................................................................................   48
                      What choice, what action do I make that will take me where I want to go?.................   50
                      What would you do to solve the problem if you were in charge? ................................   52
                      Name one small step I might take toward a solution: .................................................   54
                      What would the highest possible outcome of the problem be? ...................................   56
                      What elements of the situation could be preserved and which need to go?.................   58
                      What would you do to contribute toward a resolution? ............................................   60
                      How can I see the situation in a new way? ................................................................   62
                      How would it feel if things work out as I would like?................................................   64

                      What product, service, talent, or idea could I use to earn money?.............................   66
                      How much money could I earn per month if I am successful?..................................   68
                      How long will it take to accomplish this? .................................................................   70
                      What steps do I need to take to accomplish my goals? .............................................   72
                      I would like to know what my strengths are.............................................................   74
                      What should I place my focus more on now to attract more dollars.........................   76

                      What might I be able to do if I were not so .............................................................   78
                      What would look signifi cantly different in my life if.................................................   80
                      What opportunities are available to me right now?   .................................................   82
                      How is continuing this habit serving me?..................................................................   84
                      What can I really control? ........................................................................................   86
                      How do I sabotage my own success?.........................................................................   88
                      Why don’t I apply all the good things I learn and know? .........................................   90
                      Why am I doing all this? ..........................................................................................   92

                      MY SESSIONS
                      My Think and Grow Rich script for 8-20-07...........................................................   94
                      The Think and Grow Rich Manifestion Process.......................................................   95
                      My Invisible Counselors 1st council  8-20-07..........................................................   96
                      My Invisible Counselors 2nd council  8-23-07.........................................................   98
                      My Invisible Counselors 3rd council  8-27-07..........................................................   100
                      My Invisible Counselors 4th council  8-29-07..........................................................   104
                      My Invisible Counselors 5th council  8-31-07..........................................................   106
                      My Invisible Counselors Council  3-18-08...............................................................   107
                      About Andrea de Michaelis......................................................................................   109
                      Your Own Personal Questions and worksheet..........................................................   110

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